


We all need to eat to live, so let's talk about it. Let’s talk nutrition.


FOOD – a healing tool and a sustainer when used properly

any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.


NUTRITION – education is key

nu·tri·tion /n(y)o͞oˈtriSH(ə)n/ (noun)
the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth; food or nourishment.


Wellness - mindful action

the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.

Our Mission

  • To facilitate the embracing of nutrition education towards achieving optimal health and whole-body wellness.
  • To make this education accessible for all regardless of age, health condition, or economic status.

See What's New

Featured Blog - Nutrition

Adult Immune Support: Vitamin C, Zinc, and Hydration

Looking for ways to boost your immune system? Read my food first approach to immune support. I discuss the roles adequate hydration, vitamin C, and zinc plays is supporting a healthy immune system.

Featured Blog - Children's Corner

Youth Immune Support: Practices to Model/Teach Children

 A list of actions which include a food first approach, safe supplementation, and healthy behaviors for parents and guardians to model and teach children for healthy immune support.

Our Blog

Nutrition: Food & Culture

I am so excited to kick off my Nutrition: Food & Culture Series. I’m starting with A Talk with the Elders feature. I talked with one of my beloved elders to see how food in America has changed in his lifetime.

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Monitoring and Reducing Sugar Intake

Research has linked the overconsumption of sugar to increased risk of various chronic diseases. In an effort to minimize those risk, monitor the amount of sugar you consume. Although monitoring your sugar intake is only one facet of achieving overall nutritional wellness, it is a very important component. Track your sugar consumption. Take actionable steps to assess and reduce and/or limit the consumption of added sugar.

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Dear Lesley: Unbeetable Odds

I was at the gym talking about eating healthy with an older man. He told me to eat beets. I told him I add beetroot to my shakes to help with hydration post workout. He said for me to eat the whole beet and not just the powder.

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