Dear Lesley: There’s No Magic Bullet

I am a very busy person, and my work is important and incredibly demanding. I do not have time for cooking. It is easier for me to purchase food from restaurants. It is convenient and I can afford it.
Nutrition for Infants and Toddlers: Feeding Tips

Proper nutrition is crucial for the healthy growth and development of children, especially during the first two years of life. Children in the developmental stage need a number of vitamins and minerals such as iron and vitamin D which are specifically important, to grow strong and healthy.
Dear Lesley: Type 2 Diabetes & Snacks

I love sweets, but they hate me! I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. What are some diabetic approved snacks that I can have that might also satisfy my sweet tooth? I’m also looking for better eating choices in general.
Managing Your Nutrition is Self-Care

The World Health organization (WHO) defines self-care as “the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider”.
Setting Practical Nutrition Goals

Do not be too hard on yourself. At this point, you simply need to match your desire for change with your determination to change. Consider a slow and steady approach versus a major all at once approach. I have listed some tips you can apply to get you on the road to achieving your nutrition goals, practically
Pandemic Pounds

The number of people reaching out to me for nutrition counseling involving weight management has increased considerably. After conducting numerous consultations, I began to see a common thread. Most of the people contacting me where unhappy with the status of their physical health since dealing with the pandemic. Many of them narrated the toll the pandemic has taken on their mental health also.
1 Dish Across Different Dietary Patterns: Pescatarian/Pollotarian/Vegan/Vegetarian

A lot of times clients tell me they are considering becoming vegetarian or vegan to lead a healthier lifestyle. I often recommend they try various meals in the specific dietary pattern they are considering before making a sharp transition.
1 Food Several Ways & Its Benefits: Potatoes

Potatoes are one of my favorite foods. I find them to be tasty, filling, and convenient additions to completing a meal. I think it is not fair that they have such a bad rep. Why is that anyway? Potatoes have so many nutritionally positive attributes.
Diversify Your Nutrient Intake

A balanced diet supplies the nutrients needed for the body to function properly. Healthy, balanced eating can be accomplished regardless of the dietary pattern one may choose. A well-balanced diet is composed of nutrients from high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Expanding food choices can aid in the diversification of the nutrients supplied to the body.
Increasing Whole Grain Consumption

A balanced diet supplies the nutrients needed for the body to function properly. A balanced, healthy diet typically includes nutrients from carbohydrates, including starches and fiber, proteins, healthy fats, and grains. This level of balanced eating can be accomplished regardless of the dietary pattern one may choose to follow unless someone is abstaining from eating carbohydrates and/or following a carb-restricted diet.