Dear Lesley: Disordered Eating Pattern
How do you know if someone has an eating disorder?
Dear Lesley: Is Bacon That Bad?
I have been doing pretty good with eating healthier. I have been working on trying new foods and you have been a big part of that. But I am struggling with giving up one of my favorite foods– bacon.
Nutrition: Food & Culture
My approach has always been to be mindful, inclusive, and respectful of the impact culture has on what a person chooses to eat and how they chose to prepare what they eat. I try not to assume that there is only one healthy way to prepare foods or that one cuisine is superior to another. I did not have to learn or be advised to be culturally competent. Though this came naturally for me, I am appreciative that more efforts are being made to expand cultural awareness in nutrition. To be honest, my insight for the need for reverence of cultural backgrounds derived from my experience as a black American and the belittling of the food (soul food) I grew up on.
Dear Lesley: Why Peanuts but No Peanut Butter?
I have been eating peanut butter all my life. For some reason now I have allergic reactions to peanut butter but not to peanuts. Why is that?
Dear Lesley: Olives vs. Olive Oil
I love eating olives. I snack on them throughout the day almost every day. I eat them so much that I buy them by the gallon. I have been told that I need to cut back. I wanted to know if olive oil is healthy enough for us to cook with it every day, why isn’t eating olives every day healthy?
Dear Lesley: Gummy Mommy
My daughter is a picky eater, so it is hard to get her to eat her fruits and vegetables. She does like taking her gummy vitamins though. I was relieved when I found a way to get her more nutrients. She likes them so much that she really throws a tantrum when she can’t have them.
Dear Lesley: Low Appetite
Are there any suggestions you could give me for my low appetite? I am happy with my weight, and I have been eating this way most of my adult life. It becomes worse when I am stressed and working to meet deadlines.
Dear Lesley: Vegan Eating: Fad or Healthy?
My child wants to go vegan. Is eating all this vegan stuff a fad? How is it healthy if it is all processed to taste like regular food? Please make it make sense.
Dear Lesley: Skin Hair Nails
I have been taking a skin, hair, and nail vitamin for about 4 months now. I haven’t noticed any major difference. Do you think I should continue taking the vitamin to give it more time to see results? Or should I stop taking it because it is not working?
Dear Lesley: PCOS and Nutritional Wellness
I am considering getting pregnant, but I have PCOS. Would you suggest a woman with PCOS make changes nutritionally to improve her fertility