Nutrition: Food & Culture
I am so excited to kick off my Nutrition: Food & Culture Series. I’m starting with A Talk with the Elders feature. I talked with one of my beloved elders to see how food in America has changed in his lifetime.
Dear Lesley: My Husband Keeps Getting Gout
My husband keeps getting gout.
Dear Lesley: A Girl’s Gotta Have Fun
I want to go out with friends and eat and drink without anxiety. I can manage my calories by choosing healthier meals, but I have not figured out how much alcohol I can have.
Dear Lesley: Too Much of a Good Thing
I bought me some pickled beets the other day. I have been eating them nonstop. Is this healthy?
Dear Lesley: No More Flare-Ups Please!
I keep having flare ups and I cannot figure out why. I have stopped eating fried foods, gluten, and almost all the American type of food. What do you think could be going on?
Nutrients & Supplements for Cold Season
Do you have a nutritional aspect of your self-care routine in place for the season change?
1 Food Several Ways & Its Benefits: Pumpkin
Pumpkin flesh and seeds are mineral and vitamin rich. Pumpkin flesh can easily be incorporated into sweet and savory dishes making them quite versatile.
Dear Lesley: Why So Many Vitamins?
My doctor told me to take vitamin D3 and magnesium. I don’t like the thought of having to take several pills every day. Can I take only one multivitamin with both of those things in it?
Dear Lesley: Breakfast Ideas for High Cholesterol
My husband found out at his last doctor visit that his cholesterol is too high. He was put on a medication and was told to change the way he eats. I am going to plan his meals because I know that he will struggle. He doesn’t do that good with change. He is really concerned about what he gone eat for breakfast, especially protein.
Dear Lesley: Forgetting My Supplement
I am a woman currently going through menopause. How can I get the amount of magnesium I need? My doctor told me to take magnesium supplements, but I keep forgetting to take them. Any suggestions?