Supplement Appropriately and Safely

The decision of whether to take dietary supplements varies for numerous reasons. Some individuals decide to take supplements in order to provide additional nutrients aside from what they are getting in their daily meals to meet nutritional recommendations or to remedy nutrient depletions or deficiencies.

However, there are others who need to supplement such as expecting mothers, individuals with food allergies and dietary restrictions, and individuals with health conditions that alter how their bodies use nutrients.

Some things to consider when thinking about using dietary supplements include:

  • Consult a healthcare professional before taking any supplements, especially if you are taking prescription medication and/or have an existing health condition.
  • Determine if supplements are necessary. Consider changing your dietary habits first and consume more organic, whole foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals naturally. Supplements are not a substitute for food.
  • Research brands and manufacturers and verify that they have been tested for safety, quality, purity, and potency. Read all labels carefully and thoroughly. It is important that you are ingesting only the recommended dosage and the accurate amount for your specific need.


Although supplements are widely available and do not require a prescription to obtain, it is necessary to safely consume supplements by following the directions and by making sure they are stored properly. It is essential to store supplements according the label, so the contents are not altered and to control the risk of accidental ingestion.

As mentioned before, people take dietary supplements for various distinct reasons. Although having a food first approach is recommended, remember an individualized approach to supplementation is suggested when deciding to use supplements. Hopefully, you find these tips useful.

“It is important to make sure you take a food-grade supplement.” – Charlene Muhammad, LD, C-IAYT, CNS,


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