


We all need to eat to live, so let's talk about it. Let’s talk nutrition.


FOOD – a healing tool and a sustainer when used properly

any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.


NUTRITION – education is key

nu·tri·tion /n(y)o͞oˈtriSH(ə)n/ (noun)
the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth; food or nourishment.


Wellness - mindful action

the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.

Our Mission

  • To facilitate the embracing of nutrition education towards achieving optimal health and whole-body wellness.
  • To make this education accessible for all regardless of age, health condition, or economic status.

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Featured Blog - Nutrition

Adult Immune Support: Vitamin C, Zinc, and Hydration

Looking for ways to boost your immune system? Read my food first approach to immune support. I discuss the roles adequate hydration, vitamin C, and zinc plays is supporting a healthy immune system.

Featured Blog - Children's Corner

Youth Immune Support: Practices to Model/Teach Children

 A list of actions which include a food first approach, safe supplementation, and healthy behaviors for parents and guardians to model and teach children for healthy immune support.

Our Blog

Cow’s Milk: To drink or not to drink?

I removed cow’s milk from my diet years before it started trending. I discovered other ways to get the calcium, vitamin D, and protein my body needs. That was the key. I am not against or for cow’s milk. I suggest those who are contemplating whether to drink or not to drink, take an individualized approach and assess all options then determine which option best serves their nutritional needs.

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Nutrition: Food & Culture

Once again, we are hearing from another of my cherished elders. The interviewee for this week’s A Talk with the Elders feature is a social justice warrior with an illuminating spirit. She is also my mentor.

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Dear Lesley: Breakfast Ideas for High Cholesterol

My husband found out at his last doctor visit that his cholesterol is too high. He was put on a medication and was told to change the way he eats. I am going to plan his meals because I know that he will struggle. He doesn’t do that good with change. He is really concerned about what he gone eat for breakfast, especially protein.

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Dear Lesley: Type 2 Diabetes & Snacks

I love sweets, but they hate me! I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. What are some diabetic approved snacks that I can have that might also satisfy my sweet tooth? I’m also looking for better eating choices in general.

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