Dear Lesley: i'm going gluten-free

Dear Lesley,

I have been doing some research on different diets to get my body right for summer and I think I found the one I want to do. I was thinking of going with the keto diet, but it may be too hard for me to stick with it. I have decided that I will go with the gluten-free diet. I was hoping you could share some gluten-free recipes with me and give me tips on how to be successful on a gluten-free diet. – GET IT RIGHT KEEP IT TIGHT

Dear Get It Right,

First, great job on researching different diets! That is an extremely important first step that is often overlooked.

Secondly, what were the parameters for choosing a new dietary pattern? You mentioned the keto diet may be too difficult to follow but the gluten-free diet can be somewhat difficult as well, especially when dinning out and shopping prepackaged foods. The purpose of the gluten-free diet is for management of celiac disease, symptoms and flare-ups related to gluten sensitivity and/or intolerance, and other medical issues linked to gluten. Have you been advised to follow a gluten-free diet by your physician? If so, you can find great information about celiac disease, gluten sensitivity and intolerance, and gluten-free living here.  However if you have not been advised to follow a gluten-free diet for medical reasons but you are interested in this particular diet for personal interest, I would suggest you do more research. There are benefits associated with the gluten-free diet due to the increased consumption of naturally gluten-free foods which consists of unprocessed, fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats like fish and poultry, beans and legumes, and nuts and seeds. Limiting consumption of processed foods is always a great idea, right? But there are risks associated with removing grains and going gluten free. Important nutrients found in grains and wheat are eliminated when you follow a gluten-free diet and will need to be adequately replenished.

While doing further research, consider contacting your primary care physician and/or a nutrition professional so that you are informed on how to maintain nutrition adequacy to ensure you receive all the vitamins and minerals you need while following a gluten-free diet. Nutritional value is very important regardless of the diet you choose. After a bit more research, I am sure you will have made a choice that best serves you and your summer body will be loading in no time. Be encouraged.

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