Dear Lesley: fruit and summer's end

Dear Lesley,

I am working on doing better with my eating. I have been eating more fruits and vegetables. Since summer is almost over, I wanted to know what fruits I should eat in the fall and winter. I am interested in options other than bananas and strawberries.– WORK IN PROGRESS

Dear work in progress,

As summer comes to an end, enjoy more fresh nectarines, peaches, plums, cherries, and melons such as cantaloupes, honeydew, and watermelons while you still have time.

Consider shopping at your local farmers’ market for produce items. As the seasons change, their produce items will as well. They will more likely have fresh, locally grown fruits for you to choose from unlike like some supermarkets that may have shelves stocked with unseasonal options that have traveled long distances.

Fall fruit options include apples, pears, and pumpkins. Winter fruit options include persimmons and tangerines. To review more complete lists of seasonal fruits, visit Attainable Sustainable or Season Food Guide.

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