
To find useful content designed to inform and inspire anyone on a journey of establishing a healthy lifestyle, check out my Affordably Healthy™ segment.

Dear Lesley: Olives vs. Olive Oil

I love eating olives. I snack on them throughout the day almost every day. I eat them so much that I buy them by the gallon. I have been told that I need to cut back. I wanted to know if olive oil is healthy enough for us to cook with it every day, why isn’t eating olives every day healthy?

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Dear Lesley: Gummy Mommy

My daughter is a picky eater, so it is hard to get her to eat her fruits and vegetables. She does like taking her gummy vitamins though. I was relieved when I found a way to get her more nutrients. She likes them so much that she really throws a tantrum when she can’t have them.

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Dear Lesley: Low Appetite

Are there any suggestions you could give me for my low appetite? I am happy with my weight, and I have been eating this way most of my adult life. It becomes worse when I am stressed and working to meet deadlines.

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Dear Lesley: Skin Hair Nails

I have been taking a skin, hair, and nail vitamin for about 4 months now. I haven’t noticed any major difference. Do you think I should continue taking the vitamin to give it more time to see results? Or should I stop taking it because it is not working?

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