Nutrition: Food & Culture
I am so excited to kick off my Nutrition: Food & Culture Series. I’m starting with A Talk with the Elders feature. I talked with one of my beloved elders to see how food in America has changed in his lifetime.
Though this may seem like a more clinical definition, the focus here is on the role of nutrition plays in self-care. There are many forms and aspects of self-care including emotional, mental, physical, and overall well-being. Managing your nutrition impacts all of these areas.
Ask yourself the following questions to gauge whether or not there might be ways you can be more attentive:
It can be demanding at times, but we have to do our best to take care of ourselves. The beautiful thing about taking an individualized approach to managing your nutrition is that when you achieve balanced nutritional wellness, it positively impacts all other areas.
Ways to practice mindfulness when tending to your nutrition.
With a bit of self-determination and intentionality, you will find managing your nutritional health can be tremendously rewarding. If you need assistance or a “push”, seek guidance. Become aware of your individual needs. Remember, we are all different so our needs will be as well.
When you improve your nutrition, you improve your health overall. Be encouraged.
I am so excited to kick off my Nutrition: Food & Culture Series. I’m starting with A Talk with the Elders feature. I talked with one of my beloved elders to see how food in America has changed in his lifetime.
Do you have a nutritional aspect of your self-care routine in place for the season change?
Pumpkin flesh and seeds are mineral and vitamin rich. Pumpkin flesh can easily be incorporated into sweet and savory dishes making them quite versatile.
The content on this site is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to replace advice or treatment from a physician. It is recommended that all readers and viewers of this content consult with a qualified health professional concerning any health issues. Any products discussed or endorsed are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, or to be used as the basis for treating a particular symptom or disease. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should seek the advice of a physician before beginning any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.